Selling with Us
Saves you Time and Money
The Importance of Intelligent Data
Understanding the Market
As with every other depreciating asset, there is no time like the present to sell. Every day an aircraft sits on the market it becomes worth less. The greater the value of an aircraft, the greater the impact of this daily depreciation.
Intelligent Pricing
Corporate Aircraft industry average days on market currently stands at around 300 days. That is almost a full year between introducing an aircraft to the market and finally closing the transaction. AJB’s accurate pricing and Targeted Promotion will reduce this time by as much as 80%.
Supply and Demand
Supply and Demand drive markets, all markets, and airplane markets are no different. Identify the price where supply and demand cross and you will be the next to sell. This is where American Jet Brokers stands above the rest.
“Next-to-Sell”—More Important than You Think
Why wait a year to finally figure out the depreciated value if you could get it right the first time? Not only do you quickly and efficiently transact, you also get the current value instead of a further depreciated value a year from now. This could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars for higher valued aircraft.
Aircraft Information of Value
Targeted Promotion = Immediate Impact
As with every other depreciating asset, there is no time like the present to sell. Every day an aircraft sits on the market it becomes worth less. The greater the value of an aircraft, the greater the impact of this daily depreciation.
Tough Deals Too
If your aircraft has been on the market for over six months, something is wrong. People looking at public sites have seen your plane so many times they’re skipping over you out of habit. “Call for Pricing” does nothing to prompt a call for pricing. It’s time to take a break and reset with a different approach.
Being the Next-to-Sell
Supply and Demand drive markets, all markets, and airplane markets are no different. Identify the price where supply and demand cross and you will be the next to sell. This is where American Jet Brokers stands above the rest.
90 Days: More than Enough
Our standard listing agreement is for 90 days. For us, that’s plenty of time to price, promote and put under contract ANY aircraft. Nobody needs a 6 to 12-month agreement unless they start off with unrealistic pricing expectations and know it.

We pride ourselves on finding buyers for all of our listings
Tough Sale? No problem: If you’ve got a Hangar Queen, Damage History, obscure Foreign Registration or any other market impediment, we can help you.